Amrithadhare (2005) Review
Banner – Nagathihalli Cine Creations
Screenplay, Direction – Nagathihalli Chandrasekhar
Music – Mano Murthy
Cinematography – Krishnakumar
Cast – Amitabh Bachchan in guest appearance, Dhyan, Ramya, Bhavya, Avinash, Mandya Ramesh, Yashwanth Sardeshpande, Comedy time Ganesh, Raju Ananthaswamy, Nandakumar, Venkatesh, Dayanand, Dr Harnath, R.G.Vijayasarathy and others.
While Kannada cinema is passing through the era of hardware (we mean the action and violent films) nappy Nagathihalli comes out with a software type of film. When the nectar becomes too much it turns out to be poison! That is what happened here in ‘Aa Mrutha Dhaare’ film. The velocity of love is great here. It is an act of endless forgiveness, a tender look that becomes a habit. The brain cancer patient Amrutha screaming at the top of her voice at the highest altitude that she is happy and thrilled and a few reels later declaring that Yama should run away from her smile in front of the Taj Mahal and losing her breath is a fantastic concept of this intelligent and shrewd director. That is life! Nagathihalli has many more such scenes in the film. Some are funny some are cliché while others needed a finer outlook. However his target of audience is ‘A’ class – that also means American class of audience. This time he has catered to another A – Australian audience. ‘A’ stands for audience. That is what important for maker. For the middle class audience he comes very close – Dhyan represents them while Ramya is a pointer to high Fonda life.
Nagathihalli shows Dilli here. The second half is not only emotion packed but also a travelogue of India. This director has ‘wheels’ in his legs ever since ‘America America’. He splashes with splendor and gives a visual treat.
The story is not new. It is old wine in very old bottle. But the artistes and presentation style is different, apt and up to date. The message from the Eiffel tower of Indian cinema Amitabh Bachchan – three years of meaningful life is important than 100 years of meaningless existence has come from the right man indeed! The presence of Amitabh Bachchan does not add to the film. But the grace of Amitabh is very much present. For the living legend of Indian cinema Nagathihalli in the title card has not given right salute. Amitabh Bachchan name should be first in the title card nor Dhyan or Ramya.
Puru and Amrutha are like friends in their married life. They are perfect match, no doubt about it. Amrutha is a spendthrift while Puru is stingy. Both are employed. Puru is a salesman in automobile shop while Amrutha is a software engineer. But it is all for Amrutha. The habit of this couple is to quarrel in life. They find something interesting in their quarrel is OK but all the time the court scene Yaake. Amrutha demands for child but Puru wants to build a house in his wife name. All the intelligent people come from rented house says the director Nagthi. The mock court of friends is set again. This time mother in law supports Puru. So the house comes up and it named as ‘Amrutha Dhaare’. On the house warming celebration day Amrutha falls sick. She is admitted to hospital. The tests conducted by doctor points to brain cancer. Like in ancient cinemas on Indian screen this is kept in suspense from the patient. The life span of Amrutha is very short says the doctor and advise Puru to look after Amrutha as comfortably as possible. Puru sells the mansion he has built for Amrutha to keep her immensely happy. Then we get the Indian travelogue from Kanyakumar to Kashmir. Puru brings Amrutha to her much loving personality Amitabh Bachchan and arranges a meeting. He takes Amrutha to the highest altitude. When one fine morning Amrutha is missing Puru comes searching. In front of Gauthama Buddha he begs for the recovery of Amrutha. This is where Amrutha knows the deadly disease she has. She yells at Puru and says he is not her good friend as he covered up the crucial matter. Puru becomes very emotional and explain the situation. Amrutha decide to go to Taj Mahal in Agra and this is where she breathes last on the lap of Puru.
Ramya is excellent throughout. The role of being very haughty is very near to her real life? It is because she has lived the role. She looks beautiful even while crying. In the emotional scenes especially when she is hearing what Puru is telling about her disease she grabs full attention. She is no doubt a strong contender for award from this role. Dhyan the Chaco hero has given a lively and poised performance at places. He looks handsome and the spectacle he wears suits him well. The costumes for both Ramya and Dhyan are colorful. The youngsters of today surely going to envy this couple on screen!
Mandya Ramesh, Comedy Time Ganesh, Yashwanth and Raju Ananthaswamy provide admirable support.
Mano Murthy once again gives lovely tunes – Raju Anthaswamy song Mane Katti Nodu, the opening song, the title song, Huduga Huduga are surely going to be hit. The background score for the film is also good. It is Krishnakumar who has captured the beautiful spots up north with lot of struggle. The master in the craft of cinematography Krishnakumar adds extra value to the film.
For Kannada audience and the people elsewhere ‘Amrutha Dhaare’ is like drinking ‘Haalu Jenu’. That is what we can say because ‘Amrutha’ is not available to drink.
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